Take Advantage of Your Time at 推荐全球最大网赌正规平台
Enjoy the arts by participating in a play, improve your health in a yoga class, join one of our many sports teams or intramural groups, attend a dynamic guest lecture, or sign up for an organization that interests you.
Getting Involved!
Why get involved?
It is extremely important to take advantage of the opportunity to become involved. It plays a very important part in broadening your college experience. When you are involved, you not only know what is happening, but also why and how it happened. The experience that you acquire by being an active student on campus will be invaluable to you later in life, both personally and professionally.
What's in it for me as a student?
Many students are uncertain at some point in their college years about what occupation to pursue after graduation. One way students can figure out what they really want as a career is to get involved in the various programs and organizations offered by the Office of Student Life.
Try out different things and you will have a better chance of finding out what you like and don't like. Also, getting involved gives you practical experience to put on your resume, not to mention the demonstrated leadership ability.
Online learning? No problem!
Student Life is here for you and ready to #EngageAll! Connect with Student Life through the Virtual Student Union (VSU) within Canvas. Throughout the semester, we will be hosting student-led discussion boards, leadership workshops, social events, community service opportunities, and more! You can access the VSU through your Canvas home page.